Find out about how to select a password to maximize your computer security and privacy, how to obtain a forgotten password, and how to use many interesting password tools.

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Spies Online contains a wealth of investigative resources for the private investigator and amateur sleuth alike.  For those who want to learn the art of private investigation, forget about software programs promising to turn you into an online spy. Spies Online will show you how to find someone and conduct a free people search, in some instances.
Looking for someone or something?  Spies Online has a wealth of investigative resources available for private investigators and amateur sleuths alike.

Password Tools & Information

  • Password Security and Selection
    Be sure to read helpful hints from the perspective of a computer scientist.

  • LC4
    LC4, formerly L0phtCrack, is a password cracking tool that is capable of automatically guessing millions of password possibilities per second, running "dictionary attacks," sniffing network login attempts, and extracting passwords from NT emergency repair disks. On typical NT networks, it will recover many account passwords (including administrator accounts) in less than a day (often significantly less). In the right hands, L0phtCrack helps the military, government, corporations, and universities secure their NT/2000 computers. In the wrong hands - well - the need for using quality passwords is apparent!

  • Brutus
    Brutus is a fast, FREE, flexible remote password cracker that is available for Windows 9x, NT and 2000. It's just one more reason to choose a quality password!

  • Windows Secret Explorer
    This software tool allows exploring Windows Protected Storage, which is not documented and is known only to professionals. You'll be able to locate hidden information in any Windows-based system. This includes form auto-fill data offered by Internet Explorer every time you enter something into an form on a web page; passwords to websites with limited access; MS Outlook account and identity passwords, dial-up passwords and other data stored by Microsoft in Protected Storage.

  • Password Calculator
    With the Online Password Calculator, you may calculate the time it takes to search for a password using brute-force attack under conditions you specify.

  • DiscoverIt!
    This program is a small freeware program that shows what Windows hides behind asterisks in password text boxes - doesn't work for Windows 2000!

  • Monitor Computer Activity
    Here are some tools that will allow you to retrieve passwords through logging all keystrokes typed on a computer.

Note: Please consult with an attorney licensed to practice law in your area to make sure anything you are considering using is legal in your area. As will all software, try it at your own peril, and it is always wise to make a backup of your system before installing anything new.


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